Facilitator: Lena Blum
This interactive workshop focuses on mentoring programmes with migrants and refugees and facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experiences. In the course of the workshop, the following questions will be addressed: which approaches are already in practice responding to the needs of this specific target group and their background? Which other approaches could also be useful and feasible?
Specific tools will be presented and discussed. A so called “tool box” developed by the Hamburg-based project “Landing Bridges for Refugees” collected the experiences of up to 50 mentoring projects for refugees. It is also based on the knowledge gathered during the German federal programme “Menschen stärken Menschen” that supported mentoring relationships with refugees (mainly young adults) since 2016.
Main Goals of the Workshop
- Discussion of the unique challenges for mentoring programmes with migrants and refugees
- Exchange of knowledge and development of alternative project models for the specific target group refugees and migrants
- Presentation of the tool box “Landing Bridges for Refugees”
- Presentation of project models in which migrants and refugees participate on management levels
- Collection of successful circumstances for different mentoring programmes with refugees and migrants
Methods applied
The workshop will use a combination of input from the facilitator and group discussions (both with the whole group and in smaller working groups).
Target Audience
- Coordinators of mentoring projects with migrants or refugees
- Participants, who strive to develop new projects for this specific target group
- Participants, who wish to strengthen the participation of migrants and refugees also at the organizational level of their mentoring programmes