Do you have any question, curiosity, or simply need more information on this exciting event?
Please fill the contact form below and one of us will get back to you as soon as possible
Who will you be in contact with? Meet us

Szilvia Simon
Community Manager at Mentoring Europe
+31 610925655

Mattia Troiano
Trainee & Student Lab Coordinator at Mentoring Europe
+39 3534351637 Phone
+44 7510062279 Whatsapp
About our organisation
The 2022 European Mentoring Summit is brought to you by Mentoring Europe, in collaboration with NHL Stenden University. Mentoring Europe is a collaborative effort of Friesland College, Friese Poort, Aeres College, NHL Stenden University, VHL University and the European mentoring field.
Our Chamber of Commerce registration number is: 41004351
Our VAT number is: NL800669976B01