Detlef Pech is Professor for elementary school pedagogy and director of the Professional School of Education at the Humboldt University in Berlin. His research focuses on children’s perspectives on society; contemporary history and children; general science and education; inclusion and educational training. Since 2011 he has been heading the project “Kratzeis – Expanding the world of experience”. The project includes sponsorships for primary teaching students and children of a primary school in Neukölln and is integrated into the study programme. Further mentoring projects focus on the development of adaptive competencies of teacher training students and the pedagogical handling of traumatised children.
Publications include: (with Erbstößer, Sabine and Jordan, Aylin): “Kratzeis” – Erfahrungswelten erweitern. Mentoring-Projekt für Studierende des Grundschullehramts. Ein Evaluations- und Projektbericht.
In: Schulpädagogik Heute 12 (2015); (with Kollinger, Beatrice): Vom Umgang mit traumatisierten Kindern in der Grundschule.
In: Auma, Maisha,; Kaya, Asiye & Hungerland, Beatrice (eds.): Diversität und Diskriminierungskritik in der Schul(buch)sozialisation (forthcoming); (with Achenbach, Christine): What do children ask? What do children know?: Awareness, knowledge and contemporary history.
In: C. -Chr. W. Szejnmann, P. Cowan & J. Griffiths (eds.), Holocaust Education in Primary Schools in the 21st Century. Current Practices, Potentials and Ways Forward (forthcoming).