Eunice Mangado-Lunetta has a background in teaching and educational engineering for French as a foreign language. She then worked for Fasild (now ANCT, a State agency responsible for urban policy) before joining AFEV.
She co-authored “Enfants et Jeunes nouvellement arrivés: Guide de l’accompagnement éducatif”, published by INJEP (20007), and contributed to “Sortir du face-à-face école-familles” (published by INJEP) and “Guide de l’accompagnement bénévole; Agir contre les inégalités scolaires” (ESF) (2009).
Currently, she is the Director of Programmes at AFEV, where she specializes in educational issues and priority groups. Her responsibilities include managing the association’s action programs and educational advocacy, such as the Journées du refus de l’échec scolaire. She played an active role in the creation of the “one youth, one mentor” plan and the Collectif Mentorat (2021). She is also a member of the advocacy group of the European Mentoring Europe network.
From 2020 to 2023, Eunice Mangado-Lunetta coordinated a working group for ANCT, which brought together professionals from the State/National Education/Local Authorities as part of the “Cités Éducatives” program. The aim of the working group was to examine the relationship between families and schools. The outcome of this process was the best practice guide “Creating links with families in Cités Éducatives”
Wednesday April 24th
Thursday April 25th