Ilana Cicurel
Ilana Cicurel is a Member of the European Parliament and Member of the Committee on Culture and Education
“Ilana CICUREL is a French Member of the European Parliament, where she sits on the Committee for Culture and Education, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee for Employment and Social Affairs. She is also a Member of the Delegation for relations with Israel.
A former lawyer, she is a Fulbright Scholar from Harvard Law School. After teaching law at Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University, she worked as a journalist and became director of an international network of schools.
This experience led her to dedicate her parliamentary work to education and vocational training, longlife learning, psychosocial and civic competences, innovation, educational research and teachers training as well as promoting mentoring at the European level. Social justice, equality, access to culture, democratic values, citizen engagement and fight against racism and antisemitism are at the heart of her European commitment.
Member of the Executive board of her political party La République en Marche, she is in charge of issues linked to education, higher education and research. She is the founder of the collective of citizens Je M’Engage pour l’École, which aims to bring together civil society actors to transform educational systems and fight against inequalities.”
Peter de Cuyper
Peter de Cuyper is a Integration expert and research manager at the Research Institute for Work and Society (HIVA) at the University of Leuven
Peter De Cuyper (1975) is integration expert and research manager at the Research Institute for Work and Society (HIVA) at the University of Leuven. His main research domains are labour market integration of migrants and migrant integration policies. Since 2014 one of the research themes of Peter is “mentoring to work”. Peter developed one of the first mentoring projects in Belgium and is involved in several research projects about mentoring focusing on aspects of governance, quality and effectiveness of mentoring. Peter wrote a position paper defining the concept of mentoring to work trying to advance the research field.