Also this blog-entry is a summary of a lecture Gloria and Florian have heard at the “Mentoring Learning Week” in Boston at the beginning of October 2017. It was also published in the professional mentoring publication “Telemachos”, published in German by the “Berlin Mentoring Nework e. V.”. This time we present the summary of Sarah E. O. Schwartz’s lecture “Youth Initiated Mentoring: To select your own mentor”.
All posts by EMS2020
Gloria and Florian have summarized some of the most interesting lectures for the professional mentoring publication “Telemachos”, published in German by the “Berlin Mentoring Nework e. V.”. As the first contribution to this blog we present a translation of their summary of Timothy A. Cavell’s research as he presented it during the “Mentoring Learning Week”.
You can now register for the 3rd European Mentoring Summit “Strong Relationships for Strong Civic Societies” and join more than 200 practitioners, academics and educational planners from Europe and the USA.
Do you have a burning question you come across while mentoring? Have your experiences in the field led you to form a hypothesis you feel is not discussed enough yet in the mentoring scene? Here is your chance to inspire your fellow matchmakers and mentoring researchers by presenting it and benefit from their knowledge. Discuss and work together in a session to come up with new insights and solutions.